Welcome to the student page, where you will find useful excerpts related to the activities provided by students, academic guidance, student club and Student Advisory Board.


Academic Advising (Students)

Academic Advising is one of the most important pillars on which the quality of the educational process is based. The Student Guidance and Counseling Unit at the Faculty of Medicine has been established with its academic, psychological and social dimensions, believing in the importance of helping students and enlightening, educating, directing and guiding them.


The task of the student guidance and counselling unit is to create an educational environment supportive of positive behaviour for students that helps them adapt and integrate positively into programs and events to help them overcome their academic, psychological and social problems, according to the academic guidance manual issued by the University Vice Presidency of Academic Affairs.

Download the Academic Advising Guide

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Download the Academic Advising Guide



Student club: ( Ehsan Health Club )

The student club carries out many activities that reflect the spirit of teamwork, which is one of the necessary pillars that build the basic values that students and graduates should enjoy.

Activities :



A visit to Saeed Bin Al Musaib Intermediate School



Healthy food campaign



First Aid course


Table Tennis competition for students and faculty members


Student Advisory Board:

it is an advisory body headed by the Dean of the faculty and includes a number of representatives of the students to represent their colleagues at the faculty level, which contributes to achieving effective students participation in decisions to develop the educational and academic process.